China Recruiter Career Ladder |
is our solution customized to advance your career , you have choices to select one or more of the below services for your career development
Item | Detail | Memo | Paid or Not |
Premium Broker | We work as your broker to approach the employers you prefer for job opportunties | This is our first priority" first priority service, but you should provide the contact info of decision makers or hiring managers for example, name, email address etc, to protect your privacy, we will hide the key information about yourself including your name, current employer, education and other sensitive info when we make a recommendation,if you have posted your resume on our job board, then you can send us your resume ID to our Wechat account JobPool, your job request can be shared anonymously within our Wechat moment, where we have 20,000 connections | Free |
Job Broker | We work as your broker to search suitable job opportunities for you | You should send your updated resume to us,to protect your privacy, we will hide the key information about yourself including your name, current employer, education and other sensitive info | Free |
Video Sharing | Hundreds of Videos covering all aspects for your career development,including statety,leadership, management,career skill,project management,career skill,communication and presentation skill,human resource, marketing, sales, investment,finance | All these videos are on our platform of, and can be watched through your computer or mobile phone | Free |
Career Salon | You can join our QQ Group to discuss with other members on career issues | QQ ID: 372900090 | Free |
Career Advisor | We provide customized suggestions based on your own status, and focus on the following issues 1.Career Analysis 2.How to ask for promotion including title promotion and salary promotion, including the "when and how" 3.How to win the competition against your peer colleagues 4.Career Planning |
In summary,we are playing the role of your personal advisor for your career development, | Rmb2 /hour, It is not a profit-oriented service, we have no time for a aimless chat while we hope to provide our consultancy to the people who have real needs, you can scan the below QR Code to purchase with Wechat |
it is an on-line service, we give suggestions through QQ or Wechat, not including voice or video communication
Career Forum | We are going to held online forum periodically, the topics cover statety,leadership, management,career skill,project management,career skill,communication and presentation skill,human resource, marketing, sales, investment,finance | It is some kind of forum through voice or video chat | It depends on the host, because sometimes some VIPs will be invited to host the forum |